Friday, February 19, 2010

XII. 101 in 1001

That's right, I finally jumped on the bandwagon and started my own Day Zero goal list.

The mission is to complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days. A lot of friends have posted their entire list publicly but I'm going a different route. I wanted to allow for more personal goals so my list is private but I thought I'd choose to share some of my goals as I complete them. I started my list last October and I've found it really helpful to have a large list of more long-term goals in an easily accessible place (I have mine in a Google Document). Seeing items completed inspires me and just having the list is a nice reminder. As an additional incentive, a friend and I have shared our lists with one another so we do have someone to help keep us inspired if we slack for too happens all too often!

My list is categorized. And tasks/goals that are in progress are italicized and completed goals are made bold, dated, and I change the font color to make them stand out more. :D

The following are tasks completed since October 2009 (with the original numbering):

3. Reorganize pantry.
4. Reorganize larder.
5. Reorganize dining room cabinet.
7. Reorganize the 3rd bedroom.
8. Finish organizing the office.

I have a lot of organizing left to do. But, progress is being made! I should have put a task that involved purging things because that is the current active goal at home. More details on the 3rd bedroom reorganization here.

21. Label and sort unorganized digital photos.

I admit that since completing number 21 I have gained some unsorted/unlabeled photo files but they are manageable. This was a goal I'd been meaning to accomplish for years. It felt great to get it done!

34. Create an up-to-date contact list/database.

The contact list is a work in progress but it is created which was the purpose of the task on the list. I now have a place to put updated contact information when I receive it!

37. Reformat my computer.
87. Purchase a 4-wheel/all-wheel drive vehicle.

Last December we "upgraded" to two cars. We'd been talking about getting a all-wheel drive for a long time because our families live on the east side of the state and the passes can be pretty bad around the holidays (not to mention we couldn't get to my family's house if the roads were icy). We did a lot of research and ended up with a new Subaru Outback. The convenience has been great but I do miss the extra time with T.J. (and the time to listen to our audio books). A huge thanks to my dad who helped us look around and played negotiator! (Just don't tell me it looks like a minivan...please.)

91. Add my name to the organ donor registry online.

I confirmed I was an organ donor on my driver's license and signed up on the online registry at Donate Life Today.

95. Research (and possibly purchase) a SLR camera.

I've been interested in photography for a long time. Last summer I took a Digital Photography class at Bellevue College and I have been planning to get a SLR ever since. It was a belated Christmas gift from T.J. (he gave me a tripod on the holiday and I got to choose the camera). I purchased a Nikon D5000 a few weeks ago and I am really excited to delve farther into the hobby!

98. Buy a couch or come up with a better-than-current seating arrangement for guests.

We purchased a couch from some friends to provide more seating in our main living area. Previously, we only had our (beloved) 8-foot Love Sac bean bag. It is nice to have extra seating.


Unknown said...

yeay! I'm glad you decided to post your completed goals so far - I love my list and it helps me a ton as I see stuff get crossed off, but seeing others work on their lists is inspiring to me too!

Martin and Kristin Perez said...

So..does that mean you are the new Family photographer?!? Cool..I am going to utilize that. I miss you!

Debra said...

I saw someone else's list and was thinking I should do it. Thanks for the post, which reminded me I still need to do it!

Also, thanks for the Donate Life link! I had signed up on my drivers license, but I didn't realize I could register online as well.

Carrissa Hellewell said...

oh wow! You have done a lot! Thats great Lisa! Do you still have your big bean bag??

Lisa said...

Yup...we still have the Love Sac! :)